Sunday, July 30, 2006


Smoking in bowling alleys is illegal. People still do it anyway, though.


Graeter's originated in Cincinnati, not Columbus.

Friday, July 28, 2006


In the board game Life, there is a square that says, "Have tattoos surgically removed," which I always thought was bogus. It is indeed, however, possible to rid oneself of one's tattoos. The procedure is extremely expensive and makes the previously tattooed skin look disgusting.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Today I played Sheepshead for the first time. It's a fairly entertaining card game for five people. I don't know if I'd call it "The best card game on the face of the Earth," but then again, there isn't a whole lot else you can do with five people and a deck of cards.


In Sheepshead, as in other card games of German origin, tens are higher than kings. We just cheated and valued the king and ten normally. Not to offend the Germans out there or anything, but -- that's really stupid.


Score another point for Jeff: PartiallyClips.


Toothpaste has an expiration date.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


We've been playing Ra incorrectly. The auction should only go around once. That would certainly make for much tenser decisions.


Goa kicks ass.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Many thanks to Jeff for showing me this blog. I recommend reading the first couple of entries to get a feel for what's going on, then going back to the beginning and reading the whole thing. Simply incredible.


Married to the Sea is a nifty comic. The creators live in Columbus.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


"Awkward Antlers." If there's an awkward silence, you put antlers on your head and yell "Awkward Antlers!" Adam was kind enough to do a demonstration:


It hurts so much.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Box is slang for a woman's vagina.


Chocolate-covered pretzels are sickening. Salty and sweet do not mix.


venomous versus poisonous: something venomous will poison you by biting you. Something poisonous will poison you by you biting it.

My favorite book in second grade, Amazing Poisonous Animals, should actually have been called Amazing Venomous Animals.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


A baseball cap will develop a permanent sweat band if you play tennis in it too many times before putting it in the laundry.


Jon Stewart's last name isn't really Stewart. It's Leibowitz.


Typewriter, perpetuity, proprietor, repertoire, and peppertree are all ten letters long, and all of them are spelled using just the top row of the keyboard. Yet since the dawn of time, there has been a fun fact circulating about the web that typewriter is THE LONGEST word you can spell with just the upper row. Considering it's TIED for the honor with four other words (and maybe others I wasn't clever enough to find), this nugget of ancient trivia simply isn't true.


Huge lats make you look ferocious.


"Bruce" is the official Anglicization of "Boris." And all this time I thought I ought to go by "Bob" (which makes no sense, since "Bob" is short for "Robert" and "Robert" has nothing to do with "Boris," but I like the name "Bob" anyway).

Sunday, July 16, 2006



Ordinarily I'm good at Set, but put eight people in one game and suddenly I suck.


Women have smaller bladders than men.


Kamchatka vodka, though it has the proper 40% alcohol by volume, is absolutely foul.


Beer turns bad if you chill it then let it get warm again.


You can word wrap in Notepad.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


21% diluted vodka is absolutely foul.

Friday, July 14, 2006


Somebody left a giant bag of Chex Mix on my bed. I have a secret admirer!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


"The internet is a series of tubes, which are arranged in a nebulous cloud." -- Christian


Christian: "What are we going to put inside these functions?"
Idiot student: "Constructors."


Cotton thongs are comfortable. Lace thongs are not.

Monday, July 10, 2006


Donald Knuth, one of the greatest computer scientists ever, the inventor of TeX, was a graduate of Case.


In a ping pong match to eleven points, the players should alternate serve every three points, not five.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Formaldehyde dissolves styrofoam.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Pizza tastes good with ranch sauce.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


"So my mom's like, 'Can you turn that shit off so it'll stop beeping?', and I'm like, 'No mom, I'm not going to turn off your life support.'" -- camper


Some crayons are waxier than others.


"He who keeps standing ... is still in the same place." -- Arabic proverb

Sunday, July 02, 2006


According to the USTSA Official Foosball Rules, a shot that pops out of the goal is still considered good.


The most dangerous tree in the world is the manchineel tree of Central America. The sap from this tree causes painful blisters upon contact with the skin and potentially, if it gets into the eyes, blindness. Manchineel trees spawn a sweet-smelling fruit that tastes pretty good and will probably kill you.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


"Live in a place and eat of its onions." -- Egyptian advice

"The cock that crows at an untimely hour must lose its head." -- Armenian proverb

Armenians have a sick freakin' sense of humor.