Friday, December 29, 2006


In some lesser developed countries, men perform contraception by sticking their balls in boiling water twice a week.


There are camels in Ohio.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


You can print stuff directly onto an envelope. It really works!


This is fabulous. Make sure you don't miss the question mark after looking at the last one.


It's really hard to write things when you don't have a deadline.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Special Christmas fact: sea cucumbers breathe out their anus.

Monday, December 25, 2006


"Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only have originated in California." -- Edsger Dijkstra

Saturday, December 23, 2006


There's a new version of AIM out. A bunch of features have been added that are useless beyond imagination, while several features that I really liked have been removed. And you still can't make aliases for screen names in your buddy list. Come on, AOL!

Friday, December 22, 2006


If you drive through a Taco Bell backwards, they won't give you your food.


Board game commercials!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Want to know something about ninjas? Ask one!


"My parents became addicted to Warcraft so much that they cancelled Thanksgiving so they could play."

WoW Detox.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


A woman can still have sex when she's on her period.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Saturday, December 16, 2006


In 9-ball, a shot that doesn't make any ball hit the rail is considered a scratch.


"This is an overpriced civilization game with secret role selection in which the players are big city dogs who are trying to capture two-bedroom townhouses in order to urinate on the most cabin boys."

Automatic Board Game Generator.


Chemical addiction to nicotine lasts for only four days. After that, the pull of cigarettes is entirely psychological.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Kevin can do a spot-on voice impersonation of that creepy old pedophile from Family Guy.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


"A poem should not mean but be." -- Archibald MacLeish


Every weekday, some ridiculously hot woman talks about nine cool things on the internet. Check her out in Yahoo's vlog, The 9.

One of "the 9" things today was a link to Board Games With Scott. Somebody made a post about it on BGG, so then a stampede of hairy, overweight, middle-aged men waddled over to The 9's website to show their support for Scott by voting for BGWS as the coolest thing of the day. I'm pretty certain that, practically speaking, this accomplished nothing, but it was still an impressive display of what can be accomplished by geeky people in large numbers. Scott currently commands 55% of the vote.

One guy "booted up my Lan PArty systems to get in a few extra votes from unique IPs." Nice, nice. "All Hail the Power of the Geek!", indeed.

And apparently, the word "vlog" is now a legitimate part of the English language.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Indian men have smaller than average penises.

Source: BBC News.

"The conclusion of all this scientific endeavour is that about 60% of Indian men have penises which are between three and five centimetres shorter than international standards used in condom manufacture."

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday, December 08, 2006


From BGG:

"About a month ago, my 4yo was losing in checkers (which is rare, I take a big handicap so she usually wins). She suddenly decided she had better things to do. I said, 'OK, thanks, I win then!'

She cried and cried. Wouldn't play, but every time she started to walk away, and I told her 'if you leave, that's OK, but then I win,' she would scream and cry again."

I am starting to find merit in Lila's injuction against my ever having children.


Algorithms are neat things, and I truly love them, as long as I'm not the one who has to figure them out.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


The Backspace key on a Mac is labeled "Delete," and the Delete key on a Mac does not exist. I asked the Mac user what he does when he wants to Delete something, and he said he just always erases to the left.

One-button mice and Neanderthal editing support. Who buys these things?


The new version of Internet Explorer has tabs. I have to say, I kind of like them. Three cheers for Microsoft's unbeatable strategy of stealing everybody else's good ideas.


It took Ian Wilmut and his cloning team 277 tries to produce Dolly.


Gay Monopoly.

From BGG:

"Player tokens are altered - now you can choose from a jeep, teddy bear, blow drier, leather cap, handcuffs or a stiletto heel."

Saturday, December 02, 2006


When someone throws up because they've been drinking, it's funny. When someone throws up because they're sick, and the thing they're sick with strikes roughly every two days and has already claimed 3/5 of your suite, however...


It's December!


The word clone comes from the Greek word klon, which means "twig." The Greeks discovered that they could "clone" a tree by breaking off a twig and re-planting it, hence the meaning.