Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Women can actually stop having periods if their body fat gets too low. This happens to anorexics and some athletes.


Contrary to Jerry Seinfeld's classic stand-up routine, the wax used by women to uproot hair is not very hot. The wax itself isn't unpleasant; only the ripping of the hair causes pain.


Romanian and Moldovan are the same language.


Jacek Yerka is a dude who paints cool stuff.


Snakes see in green.

Thursday, October 23, 2008



"Raw Horseflesh" is a real flavor of ice cream you can get in Japan.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The Red Sox lost after all. I guess you can only come back from 3-1 so many times.


"One of our neighbors in Tisvilde once fixed a horseshoe over the door to his house. When a common friend asked him, `But are you really superstitious? Do you honestly believe that this horseshoe will bring you luck?' he replied, `Of course not; but I've been told it works whether you believe in it or not.'"

-- Niels Bohr

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Kickass articles about game theory.


The old FPS Max Payne is being made into a movie. Here's what star Mark Walhberg had to say:

''I was a little nervous about doing a movie based on a videogame because I grew up playing Pac-Man and Asteroids and there was no story there."

Holy. Shit.


Keira Knightley plays backgammon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Menger's Sponge.


The reason that most alarm clocks use 9 minutes, 7 minutes, or other odd snooze intervals is that a single digit interval allows the clock to check the time by looking only at the last digit. If a 10 minute interval were used, the alarm clock would require more circuitry in order not to go off immediately after you pressed the snooze button.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


xkcd has been on an amazing streak. Here's another link about DRM.


I learned a new puzzle!

The Hat Game is played in teams of three. Each player in a team has a red or blue hat placed on his head, determined at random, and can see his teammates' hats but not his own. With no communication, each player must guess the color of his hat, writing down "red," "blue," or "I don't know." If all three players write down "I don't know," the team loses. If one or more players guess incorrectly, the team loses. If at least one player writes down a color and all of the colors are correct, the team wins.

Teams are given time beforehand to develop a strategy. The strategy can be anything, for example, "If Bob sees that Alice has a red hat, he should write blue," or whatever. What strategy should you use to maximize your odds of winning?


Q: What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car?

A: Robin, get in the car.

This is my new favorite joke of all time.


This may be real.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


A rabbit can kick hard enough to break its own back.


"When I was about 6 I used to believe that clouds were a collection of everyone's farts around the world and that when people farted too much this would cause big rain clouds to form and then it would rain. For a few years I remember being terrified of rain because I believed it to be 'fart water' and I would always cry and have my dad carry me under his umbrella so I wouldn't get any on me."

-- www.iusedtobelieve.com


Freerice has been updated. It has 60 levels now, making my previous high of 47 extremely embarrassing. After much effort I was only able to boost it to 48. I can't imagine the words you'll see in the 50's.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Were children's toys always this terrifying, and we just never noticed?


Proof that unicorns hate mimes:


I missed the vice presidential debate yesterday and decided to do a little catch-up on Youtube. Sarah Palin is not as dumb as she looks. McCain's selecting her may have been the most transparent political ploy of all time, but her "hockey mom" ditsyness is at least partially an act.

Friday, October 03, 2008


Athletes have Gatorade, but playing sports is nothing compared to the extreme intensity of sitting at a computer. That's why we gamers need Mana Potions, the most terrifying energy product in the universe. Don't believe me? Here. I don't care how useful Vitamin B12 is; cramming 6667% of it into a 50 mL capsule can't possibly be a good idea.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Scarlett Johansson got married this weekend.



Real product in Japan.