Tuesday, January 27, 2009


GMAT essays are graded by a computer algorithm.


Poker parody.


Trebuchet toaster. Though as one poster noted on BoardGameGeek: "I imagine it is spring-powered rather than gravity-powered, making it a catapult and not a trebuchet."


A Texas high school basketball coach was fired after his team won a game 100-0.



Yesterday may have been the inaugural address, but today is the three year anniversary of this blog! Here's a quick rundown of the important events that have happened in the past year:

1) Jack shit.
2) ...
3) Yeah that about covers it.

Let's hope I'm employed at this time next year.


Monday, January 19, 2009


The term plushie denotes people who like to have sex with stuffed animals. This is different from furry, which denotes people who merely dress up as stuffed animals and then have sex with other people who are also dressed up as stuffed animals.


Sea kittens made an appearance on the Colbert Report. I beat him to it!

"Now they've launched a campaign to discourage people from eating fish by calling fish 'sea kittens' ... But more importantly, if I stop eating sea kittens, I believe I get to start eating what I like to call land fish [shows picture of cat]."

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hockey players in the NHL didn't wear helmets until 1979.


Elf: "Whose legs are those?"
Richard: "Probably the guy waddling around on his torso."

-- Looking For Group

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


From the Museum of Bad Art. "The understated violence implicit in the scene speaks volumes on our own desensitization, our society's reflexive use of force, and the artist's inability to deal with the hindquarters of the animal."

Monday, January 12, 2009


Paradoxical undressing.


My first Writer's Group meeting was today. I have awesome friends!


Americans watch 5.5 hours of TV a day (on average). This means the average American spends nearly as much time watching TV as they do working.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


PETA recently launched a campaign to raise sympathy for fish by rebranding them as "sea kittens."

"Would people think twice about ordering fish sticks if they were called sea kitten sticks?"

Guess what? I'm not joking.

Friday, January 09, 2009


H is the ninth most common letter in English.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


I believe we have all learned something.



Forbes.com ranked Madison the #1 city for finding a job.

I'll believe that one the moment I find, y'know. A job.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

-- Bernard Baruch

Monday, January 05, 2009


This apparently is what a badger looks like.


Tea stains ceramic.

Friday, January 02, 2009


4th edition D&D is pretty sweet. I hope somebody makes a computer game out of it.


I went to a new year's party that didn't feature board games of any kind! However, David and Sam invited me over to pregame in the afternoon. I got to try Nexus Ops, which was remarkably mediocre.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


In case you missed the meme by about a year like I did: Dick in a Box.


The Slightly Uncomfortable Chair Collection.