Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Five people cheated on my last Java assignment. Five people! That's one quarter of my freakin' class!

Some days, you wonder...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


It took William Carlos Williams about two minutes to write The Red Wheelbarrow.


My software engineering professor used to be a fisheries biology major.


Synesthesia is the coupling of two or more senses. It makes some people see colors in numbers.


Michelle's boyfriend played Settlers for the first time and schooled us. Some people are lucky to be natural-born gamers.


Sorry I took an extended holiday without updating this thing -- it seems I'm still addicted to computer games...

Friday, November 24, 2006


Thanksgiving Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. The Monday after Thanksgiving is the biggest day for online shopping.


This probably isn't really a 2nd grade computer test in China, but it's fun nevertheless. Can you beat it in two minutes? I couldn't. (Although I'm better than some of the idiots in that forum, who couldn't beat it at all.)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006



"Don't chokey on the troche."

"I'm wondering if that could be made a little more purple-sneaker-ish."

"As written, I can't have a willow tree sitting under a willow tree."

"I couldn't agree less."

-- Sarah Gridley, my poetry professor

Monday, November 20, 2006


By some ridiculous miracle (I think he must have been really bored) I convinced Dave to help me try Return of the Heroes. It's a fantasy game with dwarves, elves, magic, experience, quests, and a monster you have to kill called The Nameless One.


I'm not ashamed to say it was a pretty fun game, although I don't think Dave will ever again be playing it with me.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


I now know what it's like to not be able to pee because both of the toilets in your suite have people sleeping on them.


Alan Turing, the father of computer science, was gay. Homosexuality was illegal at the time, and he grew boobs after taking estrogen shots for a year to avoid jail. Turing committed suicide (though not necessarily because of the boobs) by eating a cyanide-laced apple.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Many vaccines are developed with the aid of tissue from aborted fetuses.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The Japanese attacked Alaska in WWII. It wasn't a trifling matter, either -- over 40 American soldiers were killed and eleven planes lost.


In my poetry class we sit in a circle. Moving the desks around is annoying, so we leave them in a circle when we're done.

The class before us sits in a circle, too. Being more conscientious than we are, they revert the chairs back into neat rows as a kind gesture to the class after them.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Somebody finally did the world a service and punched that stupid dipshit in the face.


Not really a new fact, but today marks the fifteenth anniversary of my arrival in America. I celebrated the occasion by proving that an Euler tour can be done on a connected directed graph if and only if out-degree(v) = in-degree(v) for all vertices v in the graph, and scoring 2.1 million points in Geometry Wars.


"Natural animal explosions can occur for a variety of reasons."

Ten Weird Science Facts You Didn't Know, compliments of Heather. I did, in fact, know two of them already (the raining animals and the male seahorses), so the information here is probably reliable.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


After playing Amun-Re at board game club today, I have finally tried all of the new games I got last summer (sure did take a while...). I'm happy to say there don't appear to be any stinkers.


The "Re" in "Amun-Re" is pronounced "Ra."


I played Tikal with Dave. It's a game about exploring the Mexican jungle and looting temples. Fun times, though I think it'd be a little slow and/or random with more than two players.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Edsger Dijkstra, the winner of the Turing Award in 1972 and one of the greatest computer scientists of all time, hardly ever used a computer. He didn't even own one for several decades; and when he finally got a Mac, he only used it for email and web browsing. Prior to that, he had his secretary print all his emails and type up his handwritten replies.


In vitro fertilization usually fails.

Monday, November 06, 2006


"We have never seen, in our time, nature go out of her course; but we have good reason to believe that millions of lies have been told in the same time; it is, therefore, at least millions to one, that the reporter of a miracle tells a lie." -- Thomas Paine

Confidence games and the ideal confidence game.


"Bloggers were invented ca. 300 AD, and were originally called 'monks'. Like their distant descendants, monks had shitty haircuts, and never got laid." -- Married to the sea

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I broke 1.1 million in Geometry Wars!


Some of my friends have built pretty cool stuff out of Settlers pieces. But I don't think I've ever seen anything better than this:

Courtesy of BGG.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Back in the 60's, Congress passed a law that provided a legal definition of minimum spanning trees. AT&T at the time was still a monopoly, and the law was needed to ensure that AT&T wouldn't screw everybody over by connecting every network of phones in the most expensive way possible.


"Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -- Karl Marx's last words

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Pomegranite Frappuccinos are quite awful. They are even more awful, I imagine, when you have to pay for them.


Mobius strips are "handed." The handedness of a Mobius strip depends on the direction of the twist -- clockwise or counterclockwise.