Thursday, May 15, 2008



This is one of those moments when I need to refrain from providing a definition -- or even a link to the definition -- if I want to keep this blog rated R.


Jim H. said...

The tiny town of Felch, Michigan? Sort of like the charming hamlet of Fucking, Austria.

Boris said...

Okay, Austria has a pretty legitimate excuse with the whole, you know, it's a different language thing. What the hell is Michigan's problem?

Cherie said...

I looked it up. Meh. I didn't know it was possible but it's extremely difficult to shock me.

However, I got this hilarious note with the definition:

"Editorial note, just because you see something defined here does not mean it is part of the standard behaviour repertoire of any significant number of gay men. Felching is not considered safe sex."

Mandy said...


Boris said...

Wow, indeed. Especially Cherie's comment:

"It's extremely difficult to shock me."

So okay, you're difficult to shock. What about being fucking horrified?

Cherie said...

Well, I don't exactly find it attractive and it's not necessarily something I'd want to watch but the same goes for a lot of things. However, I think this comes from the nice hazy shield of my imagination which can be nicely vague on things such as this. However, I once saw some really bad porn on the insistence of others in my dorm and for some time afterwards was convinced I never wanted to have sex.

So I think the point is that I'd have to see something like this to actually be grossed out (and this is not something I'm volunteering for).