"Money can't buy you love, but love can bring you money. In software the only sustainable way to earn money is by first creating love, and then hoping that some folks want to demonstrate that love with their dollars.
The cheddary 'Free to Play' is not just a cheesy marketing slogan, but a shift in assumptions; it costs approaching nothing to give away some bits, or let people play Puzzle Pirates for free. Every player, free or paid, adds value to the community and excitement for other players. Free players are the content, context and society that encourages a small fraction of the audience to willingly pay more than enough to subsidize the rest.
'Not fair', the vendor of music or packaged software cries. Well, tough shit. Nobody added your business to the list of protected species, despite what your lobbyists and lawyers say. Find a business model that's actually appropriate to the 21st century."
-- Daniel James, at Penny Arcade
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From: Ousizch
And here I was hoping for an intelligent response to my provocative quote about digital rights management.
Alas for spambots!
Thanks for the linkin'
- Daniel
Your impression that many members of the women prefer to satisfy?!!!1??! Click here now!!!!!
(The above is the result of passing "Would you like to satisfy many woman with your impressive member?" -->Babelfish-->Japanese-->GoogleTranslate-->English)
More seriously...
Speaking of DRM, did you hear that there's now a class action lawsuit against EA for including SecuROM on Spore without telling customers that it was being installed?
Yeah -- I hope it gets somewhere!
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